Season is a Marathon not a Sprint, News (Thorold Amateur Athletic Association)

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Oct 22, 2017 | BryanE | 815 views
Season is a Marathon not a Sprint
With six weeks under our belt, the TAAA board would like take this opportunity to remind players and families that the season is a marathon not a sprint.   Quoting from the OMHA site: "Give yourself time to adapt to new changes and strategies. Understand that they won’t always work immediately. The season is about pacing yourself and improving every practice and game." "Take advantage of the natural breaks in the calendar. Realize the necessity of having time to recharge away from the rink and to come back refreshed and ready to hit the ground running again.

Use tournaments as a way to create fun, off-ice hockey moments and to experience new towns and adventures. Most importantly, have fun! Remember to enjoy the moments from this year. Your team is made up of a special group that will be a part of your life for a long time. This year is another step forward in becoming a better athlete and enjoying a physical, active lifestyle."