Dec 05, 2017 | BryanE | 1443 views
Dressing Room Policy - TAAA
Dressing Room Policy - It is the policy of the Thorold Amateur Athletic Association that:
·No minor aged Player shall be left alone in a room with an
adult who is not the Player’s parent or guardian.
·If an adult presence is required in a closed room (i.e.,
dressing room) there shall always be at least two adults present at all times.
·The team officials and parent/guardian representative(s) of
every team shall ensure that the dressing room door remains closed while Players
and Coaches are changing.
·Video or photography equipment should never be allowed in the shower/dressing rooms while Players are undressed or changing. The privacy and dignity of the Players is the first priority. ·At the Pee Wee level and above, females shall not be permitted access to a dressing room occupied by Players and/or coaches unless all Players and coaches are fully clothed. ·Female Players at the Pee Wee level and above shall change in a separate room alone or under the supervision of their own parent(s)/guardian(s) and may not enter the team dressing room unless they themselves and all persons in the dressing room are fully clothed. ·In the event that separate shower/dressing rooms are unavailable for female Players at the Pee Wee level and above: all parties (Players, team officials, parents/ guardians/ attendants) must agree unanimously on dressing room protocol. This must be documented as part of the team’s Code of Conduct. The following are a few suggestions: Each gender should take turns using the shower/dressing room, Establish a schedule for changing, or ask Players to arrive in suitable garments (e.g., Lycra shorts, T-shirts, long-johns)