Board Positions Open!, News (Thorold Amateur Athletic Association)

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Aug 13, 2024 | admin | 506 views
Board Positions Open!
Consider lending your time and talents to the TAAA Board of Directors this season.

We are currently seeking expressions of interest for the following positions:

Sponsorship Chair
Information Technology Chair

The TAAA Board of Directors are volunteer positions that help to make the minor hockey experience a positive one.

Each board member is responsible for a specific portfolio dealing with the administration and operations of the association.

Volunteers work together in all aspects of the association from registering and rostering players, preparing meeting minutes and agendas, managing the organizations financials, working with sponsors to help reduce the cost of minor hockey, operating the tournaments, scheduling ice and referees, operating the canteen, and ensuring all of the TAAA equipment is order and ready for the season, and so much more!

Volunteers are the backbone of our association. Without them, we simply can not operate an effective, efficient and successful association.

The typical commitment to a board position ranges from 5-20 hours a month. Board meetings are held once a month.

If this is something you can commit to, please f
ollow the link to view our Board Position Descriptions and submit your expression of interest via email to Mike Wilson, TAAA President at [email protected] 

Remember! Minor Hockey Happens because people volunteer!