OMHA to OMHA Move with Parent Transfer Instructions
This transfer process is required by Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA). It is not a TAAA process, we are just the middle man. This process can take a couple of days or a couple of weeks, please follow the below instructions exactly as described in order to make this quick and simple. If something is not clear in the instructions below please feel free to ask questions by emailing the Registrar.
Please open the
omha_transfer_form_2024 print and complete the form by following the instructions below;
Official Confirmation of School Enrolment – i.e. an email or a letter from the school confirming your child’s enrollment for the school year, or a school index card, or a report card, or a high school course schedule.
Letter to School – please send an email as follows:
To: [Direct the email to your child’s school contact person (i.e. Secretary, Principal)]
CC: [email protected]
To Whom It My Concern,
I give permission for you to speak with and confirm school enrolment for my child, [insert your child’s name], with OMHA.
Thank you,
[Insert your name]
Your email address and the school contact’s email address must be on the same email in order for it to be viable. This email will be included with the other documents you submit with the form.
Rental Agreement or Agreement of Purchase and sale - you may black out private details, the entire documentation is not needed just the page with your name, the address and the move in date will suffice.
Parents Driver’s license – scan (or take a picture) of one parent/guardian’s driver’s license, email it to TAAA with the rest of the documents (please make sure it is readable, we suggest emailing the scan/picture to yourself first – if OMHA can’t read it your request will be denied).
Utility Bill – you can cross out private information (i.e. account number, dollar amount)
If applicable separation papers. Again, OMHA doesn’t need private information, mostly they would be looking for what the living arrangement for the child is.
If you are able to, it makes things a lot faster if you save all the documents together as one document instead of individual documents. You may then email them to the
If you are submitting transfers for more than one child save the children documents in their own file (e.g. child A’s transfer page with all of the required paperwork and then a separate file for child B with all of their required paperwork, you may use the same driver’s license and utility bill for all children).
TAAA will notify you when the transfer request has been approved then you can register your child through the TAAA registration page.