Mar 12, 2018 | BryanE | 880 views
Henderson's Pharmacy Tournament - Date Change
The Henderson's Pharmacy Tournament will see a date change for next season. The Local League/House League Tournament has usually been held during the week between Christmas and New Years, but will now be held January 25-27, 2019. The TAAA Board discussed the facts that the tournament had been in decline since there are so many other tournaments in the area during that same timeframe and with the Rep teams in Silver Stick Tournaments, there was also a lack of volunteers.
After looking at the OMHA Tournament Schedule for this season, it was determined that the January 25th to 27th weekend in 2019, would give the tournament that best chance for success and would be a great "tune-up" for the Local League teams just before they enter their playoffs. If successful, the tournament will be held during that same weekend on an annual basis.