2020/21 Hockey Season is About to Begin!, News (Thorold Amateur Athletic Association)

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Sep 28, 2020 | socialmedia | 947 views
2020/21 Hockey Season is About to Begin!
Hello Blackhawk Families! 

On behalf of the executive committee, I proudly announce that the 90th Season of Thorold Minor Hockey is finally here! We thank all registered players that will join us in these challenging times to celebrate 90 amazing years of organized minor hockey in Thorold.

Our committee has worked hard with all interested parties (City, Region, OMHA) to develop a Return to Play protocol that has been recently approved by the OMHA. Approval of the RTP means that our plan is in accordance with all necessary requirements set out by the various levels of Government, Hockey Canada, OHF and OMHA to ensure player and member safety and that we are authorized to return to the ice.


With regards to Hockey, after much debate and deliberation and in agreement with our earlier communications our committee has unanimously agreed upon a Blended Tier format for age groups U9 to U18. U5 to U8 will run as usual, adhering to our RTP.


A Blended Tier Format will consist of the following:



  • All players will be evenly distributed within their respective age divisions for game play within bubbles of up to 50 players
  • Teams will play 1 scheduled game per week
  • Games will be played with a 3v3 or 4v4 format with Official(s)
  • Rules for gameplay will be as per previous communications
  • Coaches will be mandated to evenly distribute players 
  • The focus for gameplay is to get our players on the ice and to have fun.



  • Players will be Tiered into development groups for practice within their age division and bubbles
  • Tiered practices will be run according to the skillset of the group.
  • External development partners will be chosen to deliver development sessions.
  • The focus for the tiered development groups is to get our players to develop at the appropriate skill level
  • Development sessions/practices will occur on a twice per week basis


We are excited to announce that Hockey will begin on October 10th and will occur in the Frank Doherty Arena only. The James Whyte Arena’s opening is currently postponed indefinitely until a time where ice time requirement necessitates its opening.


Our hockey committee is currently creating rosters, assigning coaches, and reaching out to coaches to communicate our plan to return to the ice.

Expect to hear from your 2020/21 coach shortly.


  • An online opt out refund form will be made available tomorrow on www.thoroldminorhockey.com for those who wish to opt out by the end of Tuesday September 29th. A $25 refund fee will apply (covers admin & bank fees)
  • There will be no refunds if you decide to opt out after September 29th.  
  • In the case we are mandated to shut down due to COVID-19, we will assess the appropriate refund based on where we are in the season and the ice each team has remaining.  A $200 non-refundable fee for cost (insurance, OMHA fees, admin, etc.) that the association cannot recover will be charged to each player from the COVID-19 shut down refund.
David Rapone