Spectator Guidelines, News (Thorold Amateur Athletic Association)

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Nov 07, 2020 | socialmedia | 1088 views
Spectator Guidelines
Dear TAAA families,
We have been advised by the City of Thorold, that one spectator per player will be allowed in the arena effective Sunday, November 8, 2020.

 - Both players AND their accompanying spectator must complete the TAAA health screen located under the Parents section of the of TAAA website www.thoroldminorhockey.com, and show completion of the screen to enter the arena
- You must enter through the same entrance that your child is entering through
- Parent monitors are still required to assist the City of Thorold at practice and games
- Spectators must stand in designated spots. Please look for signage for directions.
- A face covering is required for all spectators when inside the facility
-All spectators must follow social distancing guidelines
- Failure to follow any o the rules will result in being asked to leave the arena
