Dec 08, 2020 | socialmedia | 1027 views
COVID Reminders
A few reminders regarding our hockey season this year. We appreciate your cooperation moving forward to make this as safe a season as possible:
1. All people staying in the arena for the duration of the ice time must complete a health screen. One per player, and one per spectator
2. You MUST do the screen daily and show the current date
3. Only ONE spectator is allowed per participant
4. Players must come to the arena dressed in everything except skates, gloves and helmet
5. Masks must be worn at all times in the facility unless you have a helmet on
6. No food or drink is allowed in the arena this year (except water bottles for players)
7. Players and parents must exit the arena immediately following ice times. The lobby and dressing rooms are not for socialization
8. If your child is showing ANY symptoms of COVID, please do not come to the arena
9. Each team is responsible for providing 2 parent monitors at every ice time. One monitor can assist the City staff member with health screening, and the other can assist coaches with ensuring social distancing in the dressing room and bench areas
10. Please respect the rules and regulations the City of Thorold, and the TAAA have outlined this year to provide safe programming